partnered with FIT/Future in Tech

Streamlined Legal Case Workflows for Intake, Outbound, and Disposition/ROT

OpenAxes and FIT's Matter Mobility Solution will empower legal professionals to manage case files and partnerships with unparalleled precision and security. Our workflows facilitate seamless transitions during lawyer offboarding and onboarding, ensuring that all client matters are handled with utmost care.

Outbound Workflow

Our outbound process simplifies the offboarding of lawyers, ensuring a smooth transition of clients and case files. We prioritize accuracy and security, allowing firms to maintain integrity during partnership changes.

Intake Workflow

When a new lawyer joins a partnership, our intake workflow ensures that they are seamlessly integrated with existing case files and legal matters. This process guarantees that no detail is overlooked, fostering a collaborative environment.

Disposition and ROT

Our services include thorough disposition and ROT (Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial) data identification and analysis. This ensures that your firm can efficiently manage data retention and compliance, optimizing your legal workflows.
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